Dear Little Man,
I just finished rocking you to sleep. I couldn't help it. All the books say just to let you fall asleep on your own, which you can do now. You are a rock star at putting yourself to sleep, now. But today, I wanted those snuggles. The look on your face as you drift into dream world is so precious. You bring your dad and me so much joy.
You after your dedication on Christmas Day. |
You are currently 5.5 months old. Changing every day. Right now my favorite thing to do with you is a game called, "I'm going to get your belly." We play this all the time. If you are fussing while I am cooking I can say, "I'm going to get your belly." You immediately start smiling which is soon followed by laughter. You love this game.
You were so exhausted you just kept right on sleeping. |
You spend the time I am making dinner tucked in your high chair. You watch what goes on while you chuck toys on the floor. You just learned last night to watch them hit the ground. Before toys hit the ground because you were just uncoordinated. Now I think they might be hitting the ground on purpose.
Pawdy, Nana, Mom, you (with your little socks hanging on by a hair) and Daddy. |
You have also started to know the sound of the front door being opened and Daddy coming home. Your high chair's back is to the door but when you hear your Daddy you crane your neck around straining to see him. You are always smiles for your Dad.
Mor Mor, Momma, and you, still sleeping. |
Your Daddy's favorite game to play with you is "Corn on the Cob". This is when he holds your side up to his face and acts like he is eating corn off the side of your body. You go crazy with laughter. Squeals, giggles, belly laughs. The works. Daddy can get more laughs out of you than anyone else.
Your Great Aunt and Great Uncles on you Momma's side. They love you so much. |
You are generally a happy and content baby. During dinner you sit wedged between Daddy and I on the couch. You "talk" and tell Daddy about your day. You always have so much to tell him.
Pawdy taking a picture of you with MorMor, Grandpa, Dad and Momma. |
Your Great Cousins on Momma's side. |
Opening your first Christmas present. |
Christmas with Daddy. |
"Check out these new shows I got from Aunt Kathy and Uncle Denny." |
"Yes, I love cowboy boots!" |
Hey Mom, I have tested you new purse. It will hold 20 lbs. |
Ok, Grandpa, I really don't get the joke. |
Son, we are so in love with you. Your dad use to come home and ask me about my day. Now he comes home and says, "Where is my son?" He loves seeing you. You have stolen our hearts and our life and we love it. You crept into our life and have invaded every corner. Your squeals make us smile.
Meeting a new friend. |
We are so glad you are our son.
Bless you, my child. |
We love you.
Again, he's a super cutey! Lewis has that red fleece outfit with the deer too!