Six Months
Dear Sweet Girl,
Holy Butt Bongos, you are SIX MONTHS OLD! I can hardly believe it has been half a year since you were born. It does not feel that long ago. However, so much has happened and so much has changed since then. You lived through your first AZ desert summer. It was hotter than hot. Probably hotter for you since you spent all of it in the moby wrap. You celebrated your brother's 2nd birthday, which you could not have cared less about. Totally oblivious to it occurring.
When I was thinking about writing this I thought, "She could not have changed that much since three months ago." Boy, was I wrong. Rolling is now old news. You roll like crazy. We unswaddled you much earlier than your brother because you would not stay still when you sleep. You now sleep in your own room in your own bed. Your daddy and I find you in the oddest positions. You roll all over that crib. You like to sleep best on your tummy.
Around 4 months you learned to army crawl. There has been no stopping you since. You are on the move like crazy. CA-RA-ZEE! You quickly moved to crawling. Now we lose you in the house. I put you down in one room and make lunch come back and you are gone. I will find you in the weirdest places in the house. In the last week alone I found you in the 31 products I sell, a suitcase, half under a bed (stuck there), in a bathroom, under a dining room table, wedged behind the toy kitchen and behind the time out chair. You are our explorer. Always always always looking for something new. Spotting an object and moving to it to study it closer. Making sure you fully have studied the object before moving on to a new object.
You have also become adapt at tackling. When your brother is laying on the floor you find it hilarious to crawl all over him. You giggle and let out these soft short laughs. You are so entertained by him.
You are also our adventurer. Pulling up on just about anything. You love to stand at the couch, the red chair, the stool, and anything you can get your hands on. The problem is you get so so proud of your self you throw your hands in the air and flip over backwards onto our ceramic tile floor. I try to catch you but sometimes you just surprise me with how fast you stand up. You really really don't appreciate the flip backwards, so you should stop doing this.
To say that you are an expressionist, would be an understatement. You have the most marvelous faces ever. You can get that little face of yours to do all sorts of contortions. Each face so clearly portrays just how you are feeling at that particular moment. Which is good because you are not intensely verbal so your faces tell us just what we need to know.
The best part of the last 3 months was going to Moxie Retreat with you. You and I traveled to Payson, AZ with many of the ladies from our church. You and I stayed in the nursing mother's cabin (I know, how did we find a church so welcoming in so many ways.) and it could not have gone better. It was wonderful. You played on the floor during the sessions and you hung out in my carrier for all your naps. It was such wonderful chance to be just your momma and not have to share myself with your brother. You handled it like a pro...till we had to go home. A 3 hour drive turned into a 6 hour drive because you got your first tooth. It was awful. Lots of screaming, crying, and literally cutting of teeth. Now you have 2 teeth.
Sweet Girl, your Daddy and I are so so proud of you. You are a laid back babe. Go with the flow, roll with the punches, describe you to a T. You are a joy to be around. And when you are not we put you to bed and you wake up happy. We are blessed to be your parents.
If you could just learn to sleep through the night you would be perfect. I guess we should stop expecting perfection.
I love you.
Your Momma
Wonderful!! Grandpa