I am here

Dear Son,

Today we went to someone's house you were not familiar with.  At first you adjusted quite well.  Playing with trucks,  running, playing flashlight tag.  You loved it.

Then just as quick as you loved it, you became really uncomfortable.  I mean really uncomfortable.  Clingy, whiny, crying.  It was so weird.  You are never like that.  NEVER.  You wanted to be held and by only me.  You would not take your aunt.  You would not sit at my feet and play.  You wanted to be in my arms and only my arms.

Sweet, sweet son, I love you so much.  When you need me I am here.  I am here for you.  I am here to kiss your boo boos.  I am here to hold you when you are nervous.  I am here to comfort you when you are sick or sad.  I am here.  

However, there will be times when I can't be there.  Like when you stay with Aunt Abby or in Nursery.  When I am not there, know that I would never leave you somewhere unsafe.  If I have left you somewhere, you are safe there.  If you are still scared, pray.  You love to pray.  You put your hands together and you talk to our God.  When momma can't be there you will always have God.  Always.

And Sweet Girl, all of the above is just as true for you.  I love you both so very much.

Your Momma


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