Holy Butt Bongos
Dear Kiddos,
Your dad has this crazy friend. He has a great sense of humor. He is in many of your Daddy's stories from College, which you will hear when you are much older. He was in our wedding. Anyway, he heard about how I am writing you a letter a day and he challenged me to say "Holy Butt Bongos" in every post. Never one to back down from a challenge, I agreed to try.

Your daddy and I have been very blessed when it comes to friends. We have friends all over the country, from East to West and North to South. Our friends encourage us, challenge us, make us laugh, go on adventures with us, and have been with us through some bad times.

I hope that you find friends that are good for you. Right now, Daddy and I pick your friends. We work to surround you with kids who are kind, fun, thoughtful, smart, and creative. I know the day will come when you will get to pick your own friends. I hope you pick ones that challenge you to greatness. I hope you pick ones who have a great sense of humor. I hope you pick ones that will be sad for you when things don't go the way you expect them to go. I hope you pick ones who will be happy for you when you are successful. I hope you pick friends who will encourage you to be like Christ. I hope you pick ones that are smart and value reading and creating. Most of all I hope that the most peer pressure you face are silly challenges like saying "Holy Butt Bongos."

I love you so much.
Your Momma
Also, I hope your friends never try to convince you that sticking cotton balls in the barrel of a gun will make it more quiet. Instead I hope that they are smart enough to know to put the cotton balls in your ears to make the guns more quiet.

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