Adventures without Daddy

Sometimes Main Man works on the weekend, this means that Little Man and I have hours to entertain our selves while we wai for Main Man to get home.  The nice thing is that on weekends Main Man is home early.  However, this weekend Main Man missed beautiful days.  

The weather was perfect.  PURRFECT.  Plus, our Louisville Cardinals won big this weekend.  It was a beautiful weekend.  Little Man and I went out in search of swings and to get in long walk.  Swings were hard to find.  The long walk was not.  First we went to the bike trail in the next town, I thought I remembered swings there.  No cigar.  However, we got in a long walk.

See that tree.  A few weeks after Little Man was born, the three of us went for a walk.  My c-section was still healing.  Oh it was such a painful walk.  My goal was to make it to that tree.  I walked what felt like miles, I am sure it was more like a quarter of a mile.  Determined to make it to that tree.  Step after painful step.  Determined to get my pre-baby body back.  I got to that tree and then turned around and wanted to cry.  I had to get back.   This time the weather was just as great.  I could have blown past that tree.  However, I had to stop and take a picture.  I got to that tree and kept right on walking around the bend, over a creek, past a house, next to the Little Miami River, till I got bored and turned around to go home.  No pain. No tears.  Still no pre-baby body.  I think I need to start crunches.

Spring is coming.  See the flowers.  It is a sign.  Oh and Little Man slept through the entire walk.

I love how he puts his feet up on the guard rail.  Slays me every time.

I have been thinking a lot lately about how much life changes.  I mean 6 months ago, this Little Man could barely hold his head up, couldn't roll over, couldn't sit up and look at him now.  He is doing push ups.  He is doing push ups on a park bench.  Love this kid to pieces.

It made me think about how, as adults, we should be growing and changing too.  Hopefully, not physically.  But mentally, emotionally, spiritually.  I hope that as a mom I am a better more skilled knowledgeable mother than I was 6 months ago.  I hope I am a better wife than I was 6 months ago.  I hope I am a better friend than I was 6 months ago.  

Mom, I am giving you fierce.  Wouldn't Tyra Banks be proud?

So here's to growing and changing.  I am in a group right now that pushes me beyond my comfort.  I have to grow and stretch in my faith in ways that are not always fun.  However, they are always good for me.  It is painful and awkward.  It is like learning to sit up.  It is hard work.  Learning a new skill, sometimes exhausts me.  I love it.
Park #3 finally found swings.

Sometimes, growing causes injuries.  Today Little Man got his first wound.  I was a terrible mom.  I was cooking and he is crawling around on the floor talking and whining a little.  Then all the sudden he starts to cry.  I think he just wants to be picked up.  I tell him, "Love bug, you are ok."  He keeps crying.  So I say, "Well, buddy you are really upset.  Lets go change that diaper and see if that helps."  We get upstairs, and I take his pants off and there is blood running down his calf, on his foot, up his thigh, blood soaked through his pants.  He was not ok.  I felt terrible.  I took care of it.  By the way, regular band aids don't stay very well on crawling knees.  That is why he has the massive band aid.  Not because I over reacted.  

I am hoping my growing does not cause me wounds.  I really hate blood.


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