Scariest Moment of My Life...

...well, thus far.  (this event is about 3 months old as well as the pics)

One of my first outings out with two children on my own was to get both kids to Costco and then Main Man would meet us there.  Not hard.  Get two kids fed, dressed, clean diapered (is that a word?), strapped in car seats and drive 15 minutes, one kid in a shopping cart, one kid in a carrier.  Totally do able.  I can do this.  Looking back on this now, it really was an easy task.  At the time it seemed insurmountable.  Of course I was recovering from birth too at the time.  So maybe that made it harder.

I did really well getting the kids out of the house.  Everyone was in clean outfits, which is a challenge when one spits up all the time.  Everyone in clean diapers, which is a challenge when one poops like a rocket all the time.  Everyone was in car seats, which means that 6 buckles were buckled without pinching any rolls of fat on chunky thighs.  At this point I am sweating.  It is a workout getting everyone in the car.

oh newborn eyes working so hard to focus.
We head to Costco.  I am still doing really well.  Well, to be honest, Little Lady is screaming her head off and Little man is yelling "No No No" at his sis.  Still life could be worse right.   I am just channeling visions of quiet beaches and sounds of waves lapping on sandy shores.  I find a perfect parking spot, in the shade and close to a cart corral.  I envision how this will go.  1.  Leave car running so kids are cooled in an air conditioned car.  2.  Grab a cart and bring it over to car.  3.  Place Little Man in cart.  4.  Take the cart to the other side of car and place diaper bag in cart.  5.  Get Little Lady out of car seat and strap her in to the carrier on my chest. 6. Turn off car.  7.  Head into the store.  8.  Try to look like you have it all together even though sweat in running down your back in this infernal AZ heat. I have been practicing this in my head for months.  I can do this.  Totally can do this.  Pride comes before the fall.

water straight from the hose is best

Oh my sweet girl.

 1 and 2.  Leave car running and grab cart.  CHECK
3. and 4.  Insert Little Man in cart and bring cart to the other side of car.  CHECK
Turn to car for 30 secs AT THE MOST to grab diaper bag.  Turn back to cart....  Turn back to cart with my son in it...  Turn back to cart with my first born son who I love dearly and would protect with my life in it...and find it gone.  GONE GONE.  Look closely around my car and it is GONE. GONE GONE.  My cart with my first born son who I love dearly and would protect with my life in it is GONE.  My first thought is Main Man got here and is playing a trick on me.  So I shout, in the Costco parking lot, "Ok babe, jokes over.  Bring out the cart and Little Man."  NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING "Babe! This is not funny.  You don't hide babies from mommas."  NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING  "BABE!"  "BABE! I'M REALLY MAD NOW."  NOTHING

I realize this is not a trick.  Main Man would be out by now.  So now I have been yelling in the Costco parking lot at no one and still don't have my dear son.  I am freaking out now.  (by the way probably a total of a minute has gone by at this point.)  FREAKING OUT.  Breathing is becoming hard.  Tears are welling up in my eyes.  I am standing in the middle of the aisle searching the parking lot for the Jackass (sorry for the strong language) who stole my child and is about to get a beat down that I did not even think I was capable of giving till just that moment.  Trying to think clearly on if I should call the cops, start running the aisles looking for my child, leave the other baby in the car,  WHAT SHOULD I DO?   WHAT SHOULD I DO?  WHAT SHOULD I DO?


At this moment, I see a little blonde head two aisles away and see a little toddler hand waving at me.  I sprint over to him.  As I am running (weeks post birth mind you) I hear the sweetest toddler voice, "Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi!"  "Sweet Boy, what are you doing over here?"  "Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi!"  Kisses and hugs and are smothered all over this love of my life.  I run back to the car with the cart lest someone steal my sweet girl.  (still weeks post birth, mind you.  Mothers, you may wince now.)

Oh Daddy, you are the best.
 Get to the car, still near tears, to try to figure out what happened.  Assess the situation.  At this point I realize the parking lot is slightly slanted away from my car.  So when I let go of the cart it slowly gained speed and rolled across the parking lot (I am assuming bouncing off of cars since he was two aisles away) till the cart wedged itself under a truck's side view mirror.

Trying to capture "double kisses".  I failed.

 At this point Main Man pulls up.  I am an emotional wreck.  Laughing, yelling, talking a mile a minute.  At one point I exclaim, "Babe, I was standing in the parking lot yelling at you while my son rolled across the parking lot.  If anyone was watching they must have thought I was crazy.  Crazy."  "Honey, I don't really understand what just happened."  You and me both babe, you and me both.
Both safe at home where they are suppose to be.

Pics from Derby Day

In her derby hat.

Her derby outfit at one month old.

Mesmerized by the derby.


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