Oh The LUV

Recently, Little Man and Sweet Girl have developed a new level of love.  He thinks she is Megan Fox and she thinks he is Justin Beiber.

They have just started to play together, well more accurately play in the same vicinity as each other.  

There are strict unwritten rules about this play time.  Each may touch their own toys, but the other is not allowed to branch into the other's area.  

Coloring is for him.  Dolls are for her.  Neither appreciate it when the battle lines are crossed, unless the other is first "invited".

Our house is full of play and growth these days.

We are working on coloring and colors.  AKA "Cocoring and Cocors"

We are also working on crawling and sorting.  Different kids learning different things.  Little Man has crawling down.  This does not stop him from getting down on hands and knees and modeling for Sweet Girl.

Currently they can not get enough of each other. Main Man and I are truly enjoying this stage.  We know at some point they will need their own space.  However, right now we love that they each light up when they see each other.


To be fair they also both love their alone time with Mom and Dad, but boy are they thrilled when their sibling appears as if out of no where.  


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