Lessons Little Man Learned Today....Maybe

1.  When Mom says no more TV, getting out the phonics DVD and asking to watch that does not count as TV.  Apparently, Mom has a soft spot for letters and letter sounds.

Pics are from the Halloween festival we went to at a local church.  We had a blast.

2.  Putting a cop car under the cable box results in the cable box crashing to the floor and having to spend time in the time out chair.

3.  Declaring "I poop. I poop now."  delays getting out the door by a good 30 minutes.

4.  No matter how cute I look, when I say, "I watch you coop weal cose."  (I watch you scoop really close) then try to get in the litter box while Mom is scooping litter, I will get sent away.

5.  Riding my sister like a horse, results in time out.

6.  Hitting my sister over the head with toy frying pan results in a time out.

6.  Standing in the stroller when we enter the hospital to Daddy's work and then cupping my hands around my mouth like a blow horn and screaming, "DADDY!  DADDY, COME!  DADDY COME WORK!", does not make Daddy come.  It does however, result in sitting facing a wall in the hospital lobby in a time out.

7.  Calling Daddy on your play phone for "Help.  No Tandy"  is really cute.

8.  When it is nap time eeking out a little bit of poop 3 times in row causes Mom to give up on nap time and declare a Movie Day.

9.  During said movie, feeding "Sis" dried cranberries and giving her drink of Apple Cider is only welcomed by "Sis".  Mom thinks it is a terrible idea.

10.  When Mom says, "No throwing water out of the bath tub.", it is not a good idea to look her in the eye and throw water at her.  Bath time will end rapidly and I will have to stand watching "Sis" take a bath by herself.

11.  While standing naked crying because bath time is over and I start peeing, it is a bad idea to try to run on the tile floor I just peed on.

12.  Most importantly,  even when Mom and I have rough days she loves me.  She loves it when I am nice to "Sis".  She loves me so much and will still snuggle, cuddle, tickle and wrestle me.  She loves to hear me laugh and loves it even more when I say, "I wub oo, momma".

13.  Falling asleep with my head on momma's chest wrapped in her arms, is the best place to be.

14.  Walking into a room and declaring, "Momma, I need hug."  melts momma every time.  


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