Lewis County Pride
Dear Nana and Pawdy,
Recently I have truly enjoyed your gifts. Yesterday I spent half an hour "reading" the record-able book you gave me. As you can see I really had to concentrate hard on the book.
Sometimes I get the book upside down. It still plays just fine.
I have also learned that it is fun to try and eat breakfast with my feet. Have you ever tried it? It is challenging. My mom likes it because the only way to get me unwedged is for mom to help me out of the chair. This means I can't try to climb out of that tall red chair. I am stuck in there.
Thanks also for the new tshirt you sent. Daddy was so excited he made me wear it right away. Mom got mad cuz she wants to save it for when it fits me right. Dad says why can't big be the right fit now.
Mom told me she wanted some pictures for you. So I posed for her. Do you see the above one had hand? Now I am doing the side lean.
Then I switched it up and did the back lean.
Lastly I have the happy dance. It is hard for mom to catch me doing this in photos. I move so fast. Normally in photos I am just a blur. She'll say do it slower so I can catch it. Today mom caught it.
I love you both. Thanks again. The centre shirt is being saved for when I grow up.
Little Man
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