July 28th

July 28th was a big day for our family.  This was the day we left the world of being on the eastern side of the U.S.  Our entire lives have been lived east of the Mississippi River.  Now we live far far west of the Mississippi River.  1,410 miles west of the Mississippi River to be exact.  We moved to AZ.  This was not something that was done on a whim (because who decides that a thousand plus mile move across the country with a one year old, two cars, a uhual, a grandpa, a pawdy, a mor mor, a great friend, two flights, and two bad tires is a good idea over night.).  No, this move took the longest planning the longest praying the longest preparing that we have ever taken over a move.  And we move a lot.

I have not written about this move here before because this was a hard move to make.  Writing would have made this move real.  It would have forced me to really inspect all the feelings that this move of separation would cause.  We literally left everyone but three people we know in our lives on the other side of the country.  This is so scary.

I have lived many places.  Chicago suburbs; Indiana farm country; Charleston, SC; Washinton, D.C. Suburbs; Hickory, NC (our favorite); Cincinatti suburbs; and now here.  However, every move before we have had the escape of the previous "home".  Meaning, if we hated where we lived we could go back and visit "home" for a weekend.  Which we have done many times.  No weekend trips "home" now.

This move means the loss of many things.  I won't list them all here, it is too painful.  However it means one huge gain.  My children will get to grow up with my sister's children.  Every time Little Man gets to see his cousin it is confirmed, that even though the decision was painful, the decision was right.  Little Man loves his cousin to pieces.  He gives her kisses on her face, her arms, her hands.  Many times he does this without being prompted.  When it is nap time and Baby Girl is crying in her room, Little Man stands outside the door waiting for someone to allow him to rescue her.  I know they will have many more adventures together.  There will be times when Little Man will be sick of playing house with Baby Girl.  Oh the memories that will be made because of the decision to move on July 28th.

Right now, we are settling in, getting rooms painted, trying to ignore the boxes to unpack.  Soon we will make friends, find a church, and make this a home.  Until then we will enjoy finally being out of the stupid hotel room.

More to come on the cultural adjustment.  Including but not limited too swap meets, interesting foods, and language barriers.


  1. Happy homemaking, Hope!I know God will provide for your every need. How fun to be close to your sister!


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