An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind.
Mahatma Gandhi
One of my favorite quotes. One, because it makes me laugh: and two, because it would be true.
2 months old Daddy using him as a weight to build up Daddy's biceps |
My son has always had the most amazing eyes. Since birth they have been talked about. We hear all the time, "Boy look at those eyes." "Where did he get those eyes?" "His eyes are beautiful." My canned responses are, "Yep, every night I pray they will stay like that." "I know. If he keeps those eyes for his entire life the girls will be after him like crazy." "He got his eyes from God." My responses are canned not because I am annoyed by these questions, but because I don't know what else to say.
His eyes change with his moods. They go from being sky blue to steely grey. Tonight I was going through pics and was just taken by his eyes. I got to thinking about all his eyes have seen in such a short life. His eyes love people, especially kids. Oh, and pretty girls and women. They don't appreciate art which was clear when I took him to the art museum today. However, Harley's and any other kind of motorcycle sure caught his eye. I also thought of all his eyes will see.
3 months my little pool shark |
My eyes are an ocean, in which my dreams are reflected...Anna M. Uhlich
3 months "You talking to me?" |
What adventures will these eyes behold? What wonders will his eyes take in? What will his eyes see that mine won't live to see? Where will he be when his eyes catch first sight of the woman he will marry? Where will he be when he sees his first shooting star? Oh the future that awaits him.
The eye of a human being is a microscope, which makes the world seem bigger than it really is.
Khalil Gibran
4 months "Wow. You are right I don't believe that milk can come from a cow." |
4 months When he still LAID in bed and waited for me to get him. |
Not only do his eyes capture me they make me see the world differently. When those motorcycles went past today he practically fell out of the stroller to get a better look. I did not even notice them because I have gotten used to the noise. He however, could not get enough. So we had to talk about them and how they are different than cars. The world is much more exciting and there is so much to explore when I take the time to slow down and see the world through his eyes.
4 months Laughing eyes |
8 months "I am not sharing" (see steely grey) |
The eyes are the window of the soul...English Proverb
8 months Same night as the above pic but now more blue |
I have been following Ann Voskamp on facebook. If you have not heard of her yet, she writes a lot about noticing gifts from God during your day. She focuses on three gifts a day, that way buy the end of the year you will find at least 1,000 gifts. Today, my sons eyes are one of my gifts. Being his mom has allowed me to really see the world differently. I now notice itty bitty things in his path which he might put in his mouth. I also notice how amazing life truly is when you stop and notice it.
9 months. Be still my ever loving heart |
9 months |
Seek the wisdom of the ages, but look at the world through the eyse of a child...Ron Wild
9 months same day as above pic but more blue here |
I was with my best friend from college and her twin boys last week. Those boys' eyes took in even more than my son's. They explored everything. I can't wait to see what new things I will notice about the world as my son grows up.
9 months |
9 months |
8 months Grey |
9 months |
The voyage of discovery lies not in finding new landscapes, but in having new eyes...Marcel Proust
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