
Showing posts from July, 2013

My babes


3 Months

Dear Sweet Girl, You came into our world like a rocket.  Landed and like an alien attack have taken over our world.  Our lives have seen so many wonderful changes, since you invaded our hearts.  All 3 of us love like we never knew we could.  Your brother's favorite phrases are, "Hey, Sis." and "A Tiss for Sis".  He worries about your cries, tries to force you to play puzzles with him, runs to you in the morning, and loves you to no end.  When you are sleeping he will tell me and Daddy to "shhh!" so we don't wake you.  You are so loved by him.  The only time he does not appreciate you is when he gets hurt and my lap does not have room for the both or you.  He does pretend to saw your arms off with his toy saw, he then rubs your head gives you kisses and says, "Orry, sis, orry."  We think he does this because we think it is so cute when he says "orry". Your Daddy loves you so.  When he gets home from work he greets you and excl