
Showing posts from November, 2012

My Uncle "from" China

Yesterday was a great day.  My Uncle Jay who came from China but  is not from China came to visit for just a day.  I had not seen him since the week I was born.  Which I don't remember this visit at all.  However, after 30 minutes to an hour, I knew I loved my Uncle.  He is the greatest uncle from China but is not from China ever.   I got to play soccer with my Uncle Jay.  We went to lunch with my Uncle Jay.  Then we got my cousin Sweetie and all of us went to the Desert Museum.  It was very hot and bright. My Uncle Jay was very concerned about me.  He made sure I had sunscreen and would pull Sweetie and I backwards in our stroller so the sun would never hit our fair skin.    My Uncle Jay made sure I saw lots of things.  He'd tell my mom and dad to point me to this animal or that animal.  My Uncle Jay really loves me. My Uncle Jay even made me wear his sunglasses bec...

I use to hate halloween

 I have never been a big fan of Halloween.  I think it is all the creepy stuff.  I mean I just don't get the idea of dressing up like a dead person.  That is gross, to me.  If that is your thing...awesome...I guess.  This year I am prego and have a little one around.  So Halloween is so much more fun.  Main Man, Little Man and I all had costumes.  (Main Man wanted me to be a pregnant women who has baby parts sticky out of her tummy. I vetoed that idea.)  I could not wait for my sister's Halloween party to start.  I was giddy.  Turns out I used all my energy up being excited so by the time the party got here I was pooped.  We were the first to leave the party.  It was just too much fun for this prego woman. Sweet girl got the party started early.    Since we moved to AZ we got to have the kids have Halloween together. It was so much fun.  The ohhhs and ahhs that filled the air was perf...