
Showing posts from April, 2012

Beets, Berries, and Black Beans

As I have mentioned before, it has been a task to get Little Man to eat solids of any kind.  I have joked that I am going to have to save for therapy because he is going to go to college and still be nursing.  I am not sure if we were trying the wrong foods or what but yesterday and today was like I was feeding a different kid.  Yesterday Little Man got ground beef, tomatoes and apples for dinner.  He did well with it.  Ate like a rock star.  Then he seemed done so I pulled him out of his high chair and sat him on my lap.   This is when he caught sight of a raspberry.  Clearly that berry was flirting with him.  I imagine it used a pick up line like, "Hey Baby, you might not know it but I am in a lot of pain.  See I just fell from heaven.  If you eat me you will know what heaven tastes like."  Well, my son must be a sucker for pick up lines or he believes in love at first sight because he lunged at that berry like his life depe...

Almost 9 Months

Son, You are just days away from being 9 months old.  The time has flown like crazy.  Everyday your dad and I get to know you a little more.  You are such a fun kid.   You love with a fierce passion.  When you wake up in the morning you give me kisses and hugs.  You have also taken to kissing me when you are done eating.  As if to say, "Thanks mom."  You can't get enough of your dad and I.  On the weekends daddy brings you into our bed in the morning.  You lunge for your dad and give him hugs then you lunge for me and give me hugs.  Once you realize you are no longer with your dad you lunge back to him.  Sometimes you get so excited to see us you end up slapping us in the face with your uncoordinated hands.   You also don't scare easy.  I think this is because your dad has tried to scare you since the day you were born.  Now you are capable of sleeping through fireworks, Cincinatti  Reds games, just abou...

Happy, Healthy, but Most of all Love Jesus

When I was pregnant, every night Main Man and I would pray for Little Man.  We would pray for lots of stuff.  However, every night I would end the prayer with "Lord, let him be happy, healthy but most of all love Jesus."  I figure with these three things Little Man will have a great life.   Little Man is a happy kid.  He loves to laugh, to explore, to enjoy life.  Where ever we take him we hear, "He is such a happy baby."  Today when I picked him up from nursery at church the workers said, "We love it when we see him arrive.  He is just such a great baby."  We know we are spoiled.  He is easy going and content with life.  However, he is high energy.  He plays hard and loves hard.  He may not always be this way but we will cherish it while it lasts.   For the most part he is a healthy kid.  I mean we have taken him to a neurosurgeon, dermatologist and his pediatrician in his short 8 months of life, but he ...

Kindercare Milford

I am home now.  My tour of duty is over.  Many of you asked who was taking care of Little Man while I worked.  Since we have only lived here 1.5 years our options of who to watch our baby were limited.  We were sad that we had to put him in a day care center.  However, we could not be more pleased with the care that Little Man received while he was there.  Holly and Kelly were so good to him.  They can get him to do more things than we can get him to do.  Like eat solids.  They took such good care of him.  We are nothing but pleased with our choice of day cares.  They dealt with my emotional state in the beginning, my stubbornness that even if my son is in day care he will wear cloth diapers, as well as just dealing with an over protective new mom. Holly and Kelly also just loved him.  A mom can't ask for more than that.  Little Man loved being there.  He loved his friends.  He slept better at nigh...