
Showing posts from 2011

Christmas insights from a truly flawed person

I am sitting here listening to my husband rock my son to sleep.  My son is not having it.  It will be all peaceful and then a whine is released from the little one.  He is so tired, however, he is also being rebellious.  Sleep is what is best for him, but he wants to stay awake.  Little one can't stand missing out on life.  It reminds me of how we are with Christ.  Here comes our father to give us the best but in our earthly wisdom we buck his love and want what we want so we don't miss out on life.  If we could just learn to rest in the arms of the Savior, our life would be better.  Just like if my son could learn to rest in the arms of his father, his life would be happier. As I sit here and bask in the glow of the Christmas tree I think about how our life has changed in this past year.  Last year, I was puking all the time.  I puked so hard I broke a blood vessel in my eye.  Last year, I lived on saltines, o...

Photo Card

Swiss Dots Blue Baby Announcements Find 100's of cute birth announcements at Shutterfly. View the entire collection of cards.

First Post

It may seem like "THE" thing to do, start a blog.  I am not sure how I feel about putting all my thoughts out there for all to read.  Letting the whole world into my head.  However, I am excited to see where this might go.  It might be great to share thoughts and ideas with others.   I hope that this blog will make people laugh and think and wonder at the amazement that is life's changes.