July 28th
July 28th was a big day for our family. This was the day we left the world of being on the eastern side of the U.S. Our entire lives have been lived east of the Mississippi River. Now we live far far west of the Mississippi River. 1,410 miles west of the Mississippi River to be exact. We moved to AZ. This was not something that was done on a whim (because who decides that a thousand plus mile move across the country with a one year old, two cars, a uhual, a grandpa, a pawdy, a mor mor, a great friend, two flights, and two bad tires is a good idea over night.). No, this move took the longest planning the longest praying the longest preparing that we have ever taken over a move. And we move a lot. I have not written about this move here before because this was a hard move to make. Writing would have made this move real. It would have forced me to really inspect all the feelings that this move of separation would cause...