Lucy and Ethel (Toxic Fumes)
One of my bestest best friends (who we will call roomie, since we roomed together in college) in the world and I got to spend our day together. Like normal life was an adventure. We like to compare our selves to Lucy and Ethel because drama seems to find us. Unlike Lucy and Ethel we don't try to create drama. We have never decided which one is Lucy and which one is Ethel. I think this is because on some days she is Lucy and I am Ethel. On other days I am Lucy and she is Ethel. For example, there was the day that she comes barreling in our dorm room with two HUGE rubbermaid tubs of our laundry (that is right, she would take my laundry home to her house and do it for me in college. She is amazingly kind.). These two tubs are nearly taller than her 5 ft 4 in frame. The door busts open and she says, "Here is our laundry." "Roomie, did you carry those up by yourself?" Our dorm room was on the third floor. Roomie rep...